
I was bored on a long Saturday afternoon, when I decided to pick up my book hoping to find some entertainment.
Baby moves in to another new place with her dad,Her mother passed away when she was young,
Her mother and father were teen parents.
Having only a suitcase and a bag of dolls.
Her dad complaining for having to pay $10 for the taxi ride there..
(That must have been embarrassing,)
Then Jules,as Baby calls him by his first name,tells her that needed to move because he sold some instruments that didn't belong to him and he's afraid that man,named Kent will come after him. (I'm thinking; wow, that's a bit of a scary thought :(..)
(I also have moved around a lot,
When I was younger,
So I understand how she feels.)
Baby is somewhat confused as to how she sees Jules,
She sometimes sees his as her father,
But sometimes a junkie friend.
Jules is also a smoker,and heroin addict.(such an awful thing for a child to witness)
(So his judgment is often impaired.)
Even tho he may be an addict,
He loves Baby very much.
Jules tryes to help with Baby's school work,she fails it but does not tell him to spare his feelings.
 Jules often leaves Baby alone for several periods of time, Baby knows the streets and the life on them.
Her friends,
Most who are older than her speak to her about "grown up issues" such as prostituition,
She is eventually taken away by Child protection services and brought to a foster home. 
Baby has older authorities for the first time in her life.
The change is hard.
(I would be terrified,
Living with random strangers)
In the home,there are many other foster children, such as Linus Lucas,
A 14 year old, who thinks very highly of himself,
And Zach, a happy mellow 12 year old.
Baby starts to settle in and find comfort but Jules comes to get her,
He promises life will be better,
Somehow I know it won't be that way.


  1. Hey,
    Hope this posts..
    But here are the 10 discussion questions!
    Comment below please :)
    Do you belive Jules' fear of Kent and the frequent moving helped Baby get a sense of insecurity?

    2.Why does Jules hate Val Des Loup?

    3.Why does baby carry dolls?

    4.How does Baby feel towards Linus Lucas?

    1. I think Jules hate Val des Loup, because it reminds him of bad memorys. Baby carrys dolls with her, because she can be a child like there are so many adult things she has to manage, her father is heroin addicted, she lost her mom, the thing with the prostitution, she doesnt have many good friends, like her neighbor tells her about loosing virginity. Baby likes Linus Lucas and she wants him to like her, but after she realizes that he is so soft and the other boys had beaten him, the other kids dont like him as much anymore.

    2. I'm not sure who wrote the answer,but i will reply anyways.
      1. the frequent moving and Jule's fear of Kent did add to babys insecurity, its almost like she has no sense of home or comfort.

      2. Jules does hate Val des Loupes because it brings bad memories and emotion out to him.

      3. Baby carries dolls because its almost like a security blanket,where she can feel as a child and feel safe. It somewhat comfort her,she feels protected and young.

      4.Baby think Linus is all cool and hes all that for doing the drugs and having the reltionships with dealers she claims to have. Once Linus's true,more emotional and hurt side come out,no one feels hes a big shot.
      Thanks for the reply :)

    3. ^^^^ By Mia,sorry,forgot to sign! :$

    4. It was by Lotte I forgot Im sorry!

  2. 5.Jules is mentioned to have a girlfriend at one point.
    But she is absent from Baby's life,
    How would Baby's life be different if she ha a motherly figure in her life?

    6. Baby says she feels sad when she sees stripper a with long heels,
    Because she dosen't have shoes like they do,
    Have they glamorized that lifestyle?

    1. I really liked your journal mia, especially because you wrote how you would feel if your were in her situation! And i think its good, because you write what happened and then what do you think of what happened. And also me too I moved a lot so i know how it feels to leave all your friends and make new friends and dont stay long at a place.

    2. Thank you Lotte! :)
      I'm glad you like it,and can relate to what I'm saying.
      I wrote how I'm feeling about what happend because io felt it would add to it,and make it more interesting to read.

    3. 5.Babys life would have been different if she would have had a more motherly figure,even simple things like being clean,brushing hair,and making better decission involving her would have greatly benited that m,otherly side.

      6.In a way,yes,strippers have glamourized that life styles.To Baby pretty long boots,could mean one thing,but a totally diffrent to a stripper.

  3. 7.
    Baby calls her dad,"Jules",
    His first name. What does that say about their relationship?

    1. It shows that their relation is not very close and its not a typical daugthter father relation, because Jules is a very young dad and he is a heroin addicted, so his addiction is the main importance for him. But he still loves Baby, but it is complicated, because he cant always protect her and when he goes to the hospital he is not dependable, because Baby needs him, but he is not there for her. Lotte

    2. Your totally right Lotte, Their relationship is very fragile and uneasy.
      Baby and Jules do somewhat have a daughter/father reltaionship,but as you see throught the book, Jules is not the sort of "typical dad".
      His heroin addiction does contribute greatly,as Baby often feels he choses drugs bettwen her,which he does. despite this thoght, Jules truly cares for Baby.

  4. 8.
    Describe Baby's relationship to Zachary.

    9. Do you belive Baby realizes Jules has a problem with the drugs?

    10. Describe the figure/part that Jules plays in Baby's life.

  5. 8. Baby and Zach are close, almost like best friend sort of thing.
    Baby trusts Zach and enjoys spending time with him. Baby is attacthed to Zach as Zach is to Baby, Zach is sad when Baby has to go back with Jules

    9. I belive Baby knows Jules has a problem,but its been going on for so long that its almost like the "normal" for her.

    10. Jules is somehwat fatherly, he does care for Baby,but he isn't always there.
    He dosen't set up many reasonable,or even clear boundries.
    He is most often seen to Baby,and just someone she lives with.
    Not in a fatherly,protective way.
