Friday 14 December 2012

Theme discussion answers:
1.I think Baby got into protituion for many reason,like she doesn't really have anyone to tell her whats right or wrong,her friends somewhat glamorize it.

2. Jules is responsible because he is absent, he dosen't give Baby a caring and father figure.

3.I think Baby got into drugs because,she never really had anyone to tell her otherwise, she also is exposed to it,from a young age.

4. Defiantly,Baby had to have raised herself practically,she has no real boundaries or real parent like figures in her life.

5. Somewhat, Baby has an interesting way of describing anything,she still looks at things throughout a child's  eyes, but has a very adult like broadened knowledge.
I don't think her imagination helps her too much,but I feel she occasionally finds comfort in it.

6.If Baby would have had more rules,she would have a better sense of security,and that someone cares about her.
She probably wouldn't have gotten so much into drugs,or even protitution.

7.Fragile,almost like they are strangers who are forced to live together.
They have little trust,or real connection.

8.I think I've learned to look beyond someones decision,because there is always a reason behind the choices that someone makes,and they don't need anyone to judge them.

9. Kids judge Baby often,she also moves around a lot.

10. I think the theme is, something like, " you can get there(somewhere positive) from here(poverty/drugs),its in your hands.
Good questions Lotte


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