Tuesday 4 December 2012

Journal #2.  Mia,
Okay so baby goes back to her dads place,and alsmot immediatly tension is in the air.
(What a great way to be when moving back with a parent :/)
Poor Felix was confused by Baby moving, It must be hard to live in a foster home because you can never be sure who is living in your home and I think that affected Felix's sense of security and trust.
Jules had lost a lot of weight, and coughed worse and worse as the days went on.
Jules refused to take his medicne for TB(Great example for Baby that it..) So his behavior was a bit...odd.
Jules was very untrusting and always had a complaint wether it was accusing baby of drugs or arguing with neighbors over cooking.
Fall was now upon them and Baby and Jules had moved to the first building she had ever lived in with many trees around.
(So much moving,must not be good for school,wonder how her marks were affected..)
So Baby heads out to a new school,and hopes she will make friends and have a good time.
She becomes friends with a girl named,Lauren,and quickly becomes comfortable.
Shortly after,Jules found Lauren and Baby speaking and invited Lauren for dinner,(I would have been terrified, beyound words,ready to scream and lose it,I'm surprised baby didn't say anything to stop her from having dinner with her and Jules)
So Jules,as my fear was comfrmed, didn't help,at all.
He gets drunk and starts speaking,quickyl Lauren leaves.
All throught school,Baby just hears insult after insult.
She find out about a community centre close to her home and decides to go check it out.
Along the way she meets a ginger,Theo,no one seems to like,because he acts like such a loser.
Theo does a lot for attention,not always the best choices.
Baby later finds he does this because his mother is very violent towards him and he wants approval.
Theo  ends up breaking Babys arm,and shortly after is placed in foster care(I feel for him,it must be so hard and awful to be placed in foster care,even after abuse.)
Soon Baby heard about a boy named Alphonse, a pimp,with dark red hair and big blue eyes,Baby is desperate for his attention,soon Baby tryes weed,despite not liking the smell,she begins to enjoy it.
She eventually recives,knee socks,Jules finds them and ripes them off and Baby recives a black eye. (I understand him being upset)
(Baby describes felling free,happy and complelty un-insecure when she is high,poor child,it must have hurt her hard when the drugs wore off,I think her dad not being there to set many,resonable boundries,added to her drug use.)
Alphonse and Baby quickly grow closer and shotgun,Baby realizes the adults in her life treat her differently when she is high.
Baby somehwat becomes dependant on drugs and Alphonse,she feels when someone is young,you don't know you need (or even want) what your parents don't have.

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