Alright,so Baby growns closer and gloser to Alphonse,he somewhat tells her,he is attracted to her,and wants only her,despite having other girls.
Baby quickly falls for it.
At home with Jules,they still argue,and Baby eate dinner,on the street,
Leelee,one of Alphonses' girls,starts speaking to Baby(So emberassing,I felt Baby was vulnerable,alsmost in danger)
Leelee goes on to say that Alphonse really feels for her,and tells baby about this girl,Robin,Alphonse used to go out with,she aso says Baby is best for Alphonse,
(I agree with Baby,I feel like she was making fun of Baby)
So she walks away,(Would have been best earlyer,but glad she walked away)
Baby quickly hears about "world driendship day",run by the community centre,she regrets leaving it,so she heads to a movie with Alphonse,where they get use weed,and alphonse starts saying hes been selling drugs since he was young.
Baby feels she trusts him,and almsot like she wants to be taken advantage of.
They get drunk together and end up sharing a kiss( :( Never good...espcially since they smoked another joint after)
Baby comes home to find Jules,celebrating her birthday, Baby is ashamned,(I would be crying and freaking out,)
She does her best to hide it.
Baby explains she feels many children she knows,can get the privaledge of looking at themselves throught their mothers eyes,she can only look through her own,(I find it sad,because not ahving either parents appart of your life is always though,Especialy since Baby is even afraid to look at herself)
She says Alphonse is somewhat a mother figure to him,(I don't think the sense of security she feels from bim is genuin tho..)
Jules eventually accuses her of sleeping with a pimp and kicks her out(Not a good way to deal with anything..)
Baby feels awful and low at this point,and is brought to a correctional facility,
She is terified of the place,some of the chilkdren there do odd things,such as eating pages of a book,or taking snails off shells.
Baby feels she can recieve affection from a socila worker who cut hair and the nurse,but the rest of the staff is almost affectionless. ( hard to be deprived of affection,I bet any child there is willing to go far for it,thats sad)
Baby Eventually lossing a game,and strips in front of the other children(I would be terrified,I could never do it,)
About a moth later,Jules and Lester arrive to pick baby up...
(Wonder where that will go..)
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